#100 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Thursday, 25 January 2018 14:25 EET

Igors Masļakovs
Hi. I have some news modules, but they do not see pictures inserted in fields. Is there a way to solve that? Usually news modules use or content images or article images? for the regret you do not give some demo to understand how extension works

Lefteris Kavadas

Which news module are you using? Custom fields are now in the core, so most of those modules should get updated to support custom fields. In order to understand how Econa works you need to read the documentation or watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-h4VwoiaLL0&t=1s .

Let us know if you have more questions.


Igors Masļakovs
I try to use of rock sprocket or default SP pagebuilder news module. Better i would like to use SP pagebuilder addon, it works only if i use article images. and then SP pagebuilder article addon uses the biggest picture not a small one.

Igors Masļakovs
Is it possible to apply image sizes to already used content images?

Lefteris Kavadas
Is there a link to a sample page?

Econa is designed to work with the core articles system, not with SP PageBuilder. Econa has four types of integration as you can read at the documentation. If you are using SP PageBuilder then the only type of integration that may work is the "Content Images". However this may require a custom plugin, it depends on how SP PageBuilder is saving the content.


Igors Masļakovs
Hi sir. For articles i use default joomla article sistem i use sp pagebuilder news module to display news in sp pagebuilder pages. So i use your extension with default joomla.
website address is http://dev.vervo.lv/lv/

on bottom of first page i have news module. and in this url i have joomla articles http://dev.vervo.lv/lv/jaunumi/nozares-jaunumi

I am currently working on it.

Can you unswear can i apply image settings to all articles. We have more than 2000 articles it would be wonderful option to apply settings to all existing articles.

Igors Masļakovs
Hi, how to maintain image sizes so they always are the same. I need to show images in news module the same size 360x250 but i can not find that option

please see above questions too

Lefteris Kavadas
Currently, there is no way to batch process existing articles, you have to save them one by one. We can add this kind of functionality in a future version.

Regarding the dimensions, this is something that has to do with your uploaded images. If you use Econa as a custom field or the "Econa Image Tab" then when you upload an image you can crop it, at the desired aspect ratio.

If you are using Econa for content or article images, then you can only set a width for resizing. Otherwise, your images would be stretched.

We suggest to use Econa as custom field. Contact the developers of the news module and ask them about custom fields support.

If using Econa as a custom field is not an option, then just save your last 10 articles so Econa can resize the images that appear in the module.

Igors Masļakovs
HI realy need help to understand how it works.
1. I changed news module for rock sprocket so it can crop and resize article itro images. Problem solved, i do not like extracode it inserts.

2. I try to manage how images are shown in articles and in category blog layout.
So i insert image wit custom field and i already have intro article image and they both show on category blog layout.

Is there a solution for that. Can i hide your image from category blog layout? or joomla article intro image?

For mobile and tablet it is better to use custom field with crop. So i do not know what to do

Lefteris Kavadas
Regarding your questions:

1. This module is now resizing those images, Econa has nothing to do here.
2. You can select the views that each image will get displayed. Just edit the field you created and check the "Display" tab.

What you need to do is define the sizes you wish in the custom field options.
So if for example your image will be displayed at 300 pixels width on mobile, 600 pixels on tablet and 1000 pixels on desktop you can define those 3 sizes in the custom field options. Then based on the device viewport the browser will pick the correct one image to load. Econa is using the HTML5 srcset attribute.
Here is a useful link for HTML5 responsive images:


Igors Masļakovs
Hi Lefteris Kavadas i can't use you plagin, that's why i some time ago asked for some demo. It just does not do what i need.

I just bought mavikthumnails and in 10 minutes i got it working, it does everything i need, just uploading image in article intro, and it allows batch resize all images.

Can i ask you for refund, i do not plan to use it anywhere.

Thanks for your help. You definitely need some demo so it is possible to understand what it is.

Lefteris Kavadas
I am really sorry to hear that. However, we do not issue refunds, it is clearly stated in our terms of service.

In addition to that, I think that the way our plugin works is pretty clear and straightforward. We even have a video demonstrating the functionality.

If what you are missing here is just the height resize option for article or content images, this is something we can add at the future.


Igors Masļakovs
I will start dispute on paypal. Thanks

Lefteris Kavadas
This really sad. You agreed that you informed about the product functionality when you subscribed.

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