#1205 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Monday, 10 June 2024 15:51 EEST

Jip JJ Jonker

On one of our site while updating the Econan files / database we had several PHP warnings like this. It does not seem to have any iompact on the actual results. Everything seems to be fine, but maybe you can figure out why this warning was shown?

PHP Warning:  Undefined property: stdClass::$extension in /home/kernzw01/domains/vriendenvandestadskernzwolle.nl/public_html/plugins/fields/econa/src/PluginTraits/ExtensionTrait.php on line 97

Lefteris Kavadas

Hi Jip,

Probably this occurs when a custom field value is empty or incomplete.

In those cases Econa migration script is skipping the specific custom field value. If you see any images that have not been migrated properly please let me know.

I will fix the warning so it doesn't come up.

Thank you for reporting this.



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