#160 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Wednesday, 16 May 2018 20:07 EEST

Marjetka Lašič
Would it be possible to add a link option to Econa custom field image?
Currently we can ad caption, credits and alt text, I would need an option to also add the URL, so when the user click the image, the URL opens in new browser window (target _blank).

Lefteris Kavadas

There is already the option to link the image to the current associated article. Do you need a completely custom link field? The target attribute can be added in a layout override.


Marjetka Lašič
Hi, yes, I would need a completely custom link field.
So when I click on a picture for instance www.google.com opens.


Lefteris Kavadas
I will mark this as a feature request for the future. Thank you for your feedback.


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