#189 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Wednesday, 04 July 2018 17:59 EEST

How to hide Select button to not allow select and upload images from server? 

Lefteris Kavadas

Unfortunately, there is no such an option currently. This is something we can add in the next update.

Until then, you can try to change the permissions for the media manager so you have control over who can use the media manager. This of course will not hide the button but will prevent users from using it. If you want to hide the button, you can also use CSS code:

.econaFieldContainer .field-media-wrapper { display: none;}

Let us know if you need more help.


Tell me please, where and to which file should I ad this code: .econaFieldContainer .field-media-wrapper { display: none;}

Lefteris Kavadas
You need to add it in a CSS file in your administration area. If you are using Econa as a custom field try to add it at the end of the file plugins/fields/econa/css/style.css .

We will try to add this as an option in the next update.


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