#194 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Friday, 22 June 2018 13:45 EEST

Vincent Mross
I just found an issue that has been bugging me for some time now. I had placed another ticket stating that Econa was not resizing article images in the standard Joomla "Images and Links" tab, but support logged into the admin of our site and created a new test article proving that in fact it was doing the resizing (but as it turns out only for new articles).

Now I have conclusive proof that the issue remains for pre-existing articles. Even after removing the images from an article, saving and closing the article, then opening the article again in the editor and uploading the same image again, no resizing occurs.

Then I tried creating a new test article with new images, and resizing worked fine.

So I then tried creating another test article, and I uploaded the same image that failed to resize in the existing article, and voila! it got resized. And it was now showing resized in the original article that failed to show a resized image before.

All of this testing was done via the back end editor.

I will post a private ticket with the details so that the team can figure out the issue.

Lefteris Kavadas

Before I start troubleshooting this, would it be possible to verify that this is not just your browser's cache? I mean that for existing articles you may have visited the article page and the browser is serving from it's cache the previous non-resized version of the image. Since the filename remains the same, you have to do a hard refresh to see if that's the case.


Vincent Mross

We use Cache Cleaner Pro which empties the Joomla cache with every save, so I don't think it's a Joomla cache issue. As for the browser cache the correctly resized images are showing up fine without clearing browser cache, so I don't believe this is the issue either.

Now it seems to be something other than just new vs. existing articles. There is a new article posted with new images that are not being resized. I will put this link in my private ticket as I don't want the link public yet until it's fixed.


Vincent Mross
I just posted another reply to my private ticket. On further investigation it appears that using the same image for Intro and Full image confuses the plugin.

Looking forward to your reply.

Vincent Mross

Any news on this? It is now pretty clear that the plugin doesn't work if the intro and full article images are the same image.

Lefteris Kavadas

Just answered in the private ticket. Please check it and let me know.


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