#24 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Tuesday, 20 December 2016 14:03 EET

Ran Elkobi

I have played with the extention and I am not sure I understand the logic. I don't want to use the layout+image tab, since it means that I:
1. will lose all the order of my images folder (all the images will be placed in one folder)
2. If I remove the plugin, No images are going to be displayed.

I liked the way that content image works since even if I remove the plugin, the code is already saved in the DB and I get to keep my imaes order (some times I need to reuse them).

Is there a way to make intro and full article images to work the same way as content images?

Second Issue (if first one can't be solved):
The plugin dose not resize the intro image, only the full one. I am using the same image for both.

By the way, thanks for the plugin, much needed for joomla.

Lefteris Kavadas

Content images are storing the extra data directly into the HTML markup ( srcset attribute ) . That's not the case for article images where you can only store the image path. In theory we could add extra fields there to hold the extra data but this would be exactly the same as using the Image Tab ( removing the plugin will remove that data ) . In that case we strongly recommend to use the Image Tab since this is the primary functionality of this extension.

Regarding the Image Tab, we could change the path that images are stored based on the current month. For example: 'images/econa/2016/12/myimage.jpg' . Do you have any other suggestions on this?

Regarding your second issue, since both intro and full images are pointing to the same file the plugin will resize based on the fulltext dimensions considering this to be the largest one.

Now that custom fields are coming in Joomla! 3.7 i was thinking to implement Econa as a custom field so users can add several images to the article. This will provide a more tight integration with the core.

Thank you for your valuable feedback.

Ran Elkobi

Thanks for the detailed explanation.

I guess that for now, I'll be using the plugin only for content images and resizing for intro/full image (with a different name for each as you explained).

As for the responsiveness of the intro/full images, the html markup can't be saved as attribute? but any way, I guess I'll just wait for j3.7 so it will be a core solution.

Other than that, the plugin works perfect.

Ran Elkobi
One more thing,

A simple php sharpening tool will do a lot for the extension. I have played with it and if I over sharpen an image in photoshop and upload it, the results are much better for the same settings - size and jpeg quality.

Lefteris Kavadas
Is there any specific script/service/tool that you suggest?

At PHP level the plugin is using the GD library to process the images. The alternative ImageMagick library is known to produce better results but it's not pre installed on most servers.

One thing we can do is add support for PHP ImageMagick where it's available.

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