#305 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Friday, 28 December 2018 00:17 EET

Troy Mumm
 Using Econa on DP Calendar. The image works great on the main Event view, but I can't get images to render anywhere else. I've set the image size on the "options" tab for the view (Event List for example) but it doesn't appear. In lieu of that, I was using Upcoming module, but no images render there. Any idea of an override to display the image on an Upcoming Events Module? Thanks for your help.

Lefteris Kavadas

Can you please provide more details? Are you using Econa as a custom field? Do other custom fields work in the module?


Troy Mumm
Yes, using as a custom field. I am using many other custom fields, including the "Showtime Gallery" field. The field/image works on the main "Event" page, but not on other views. However, I moved on to using an override for the Upcoming Events module. In that override I am including fields using this code:

<?php foreach ($event->jcfields as $jcfield) { ?> <?php if ($jcfield->id != 19 || !isset($jcfield->value) || $jcfield->value == '') { ?> <?php continue; ?> <?php } ?> <?php echo $jcfield->value; ?> <?php } ?>

This works great for all the fields - but the Econa field will not display this way. The Showtime field DOES display. I want to use Econa so my client is able to make all the event images the same cropping easily, but would like to use that image in more then just the one place.

Lefteris Kavadas
Please create a new private ticket and include FTP and administrator credentials so I can troubleshoot this.


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