#323 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Friday, 25 January 2019 12:36 EET


thanks for providing these wonderful extensions. It helps me to be able to focus on the things that matter.

Q1: I was using the econa field type in a front end form (user profile). I was hoping to allow users to upload image(s) without providing them access to my file system. However, the econa field allows the user to "select" a file from my file system. :-( . Can I configure the plugin somehow for the "select" button not to be available? If not, where in the code should I start looking to manually adjust?

Q2: Can I specify the directory where to the files should be uploaded to? Could I specify a different directory for each user? If this isn't possible out-of-the-box, could I alter the code? Where would you advise me to start looking?

Q3: I was hoping to be able to use the field type within my own tailer made form. How would I do this? Would the following work?
Q4: I was hoping to find a gallery of images, with the functionalities provided with econa, ie including the ability to crop the images in the gallery. Any plans? I bought both extensions gallery and econa.

I understand changing your code is not advisable given I would need to reapply any change I've made every time I would upgrade. But... it would be my last resort.



Please disregard Q1, as it has been answered here: https://www.firecoders.com/help-desk/econa/Ticket/189-not-allow-select-and-upload-images-from-server

Sorry for not having gone through the questions earlier, although now you know there are more people interested in an option to remove the button.

Looking forward to answers for my other questions.

Lefteris Kavadas

Regarding your questions:

1. Currently hiding with CSS is the only option. We are using the core media manager. This means that you can restrict access to it by tweaking the permissions for the desired user group under "Content" -> "Media" -> "Options". Under the permissions tab you can set which user groups can access the media manager. Please note that changing this will affect all the media manager instances not just the modal used by our extension. For example the "Image" button in the editor is using the same media manager.

2. There is no option for having different directory per user. But this should not affect your workflow. A user cannot modify an image uploaded by a different user if he cannot modify the article. If you want to change the upload folder you will have to change the code in several parts. This depends on the implementation you are using. Please let me know about the way you use Econa so I can provide the files that need to be changed. If you are using Econa as a custom field the files are located under /plugins/fields/econa .

3. If your extension supports custom fields it should work. If not let me know so we adjust our code.

4. Do you need to crop the thumbnails or the lightbox images? Showtime crops and resizes the gallery thumbnails automatically.

Please let me know about your thoughts!


Thanks for your quick response.

I'll go through these one by one, I suppose in order of priority. Q3... "If your extension supports custom fields it should work. If not let me know so we adjust our code."

I've pushed my code to github. Beware it's not a finished extension, but it'll let you reproduce my problem. Follow these steps to reproduce please:

1. Download the zip or clone the repo from https://github.com/johanwitters/myweb.git
2. Locally, zip the contents of the cloned repo to a file called prezipped, OR, use the zipfile I created for you, also available in this repo.
3. In your joomla, install the prezipped zip as any normal joomla extension
4. Create a menu item My Web! > My Web Form, as illustrated here: https://snag.gy/0md36S.jpg
5. Goto your front end and find the field "gallery", granted, silly name, to be a string, rather than your field type. Find mine here: https://snag.gy/5QItYe.jpg

Please have a look. Thanks,


Regarding question 4: I'm looking for a combination of gallery + econa, i.e: everything you can do with 1 single image with econa, but then a list of images. I was hoping actually there would somehow be a "repeat" possible for econa. If I can get econa to work with code, I might perhaps be able to define a repeating econa?

Regarding question 1: My front end users, except admin, do not have access to the media manager. So the button basically shows a modal dialog with an error, which is good. I've followed your advise from https://www.firecoders.com/help-desk/econa/Ticket/189-not-allow-select-and-upload-images-from-server which says to add the below to my css:

.econaFieldContainer .field-media-wrapper { display: none;}

I tried, didn't work.

I did this instead:

.econaFieldContainer .modal { display: none;}

Any thoughts on this?

Lefteris Kavadas
Regarding your extension, here is the official Joomla documentation to help you add custom fields:
If you add custom fields support to your component then it will work the exact same way custom fields work for Joomla articles.

Econa will probably not work in a repeater field. The only thing we can do is consider adding the image editor to the Showtime Image Gallery. But this is something that requires time and to be honest, most users will not use it. When you create a gallery usually you do not want to crop the lightbox image.

For hiding the select button, the CSS code should work. But I can take a look when you provide administrator credentials in a private ticket.


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