#325 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Friday, 25 January 2019 12:27 EET


I tried to use econa to allow users to add a photo to their profile. Please find below links to screenshots. However, there's an issue with this: when I then use this from the front end, and add a photo, after submitting the profile through the front end, the photo I added as part of the registration of that user profile is missing.

Back end where I've created the field "econa" : https://snag.gy/NB14sr.jpg
Front end where I add a photo to the field "econa" and store that (or try to store that) by submitting : https://snag.gy/ZCMt8S.jpg
Front end after I've pushed the submit button: https://snag.gy/x8McoK.jpg

WHat could be going wrong? Any pointers?



Lefteris Kavadas

If you are working only in front-end make sure that the user has the permission to edit custom field value. Just navigate to "Users" -> "Manage" -> "Options" and check the "Edit Custom Field Value" permission. If the issue is not resolved, create a new private ticket and include administrator credentials and FTP access so I can troubleshoot this.


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