#355 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Tuesday, 09 February 2021 12:59 EET

Jip JJ Jonker
Is it possible to change the location of the images/econa folder to maybe media/econa to prevent backend users form (accidentally) removing files from the article editor? Maybe we could set this as an option in the field (or other econa) plugin?

Kind regards,

Lefteris Kavadas

We have done this already for the "Econa Article Images" plugin which reads the option from the core media manager. However, changing this for the Econa custom field requires a migration plan otherwise we might break existing sites. And we do now want that!


Jip JJ Jonker
But if you use the current images/econa folder as default (when the option/parameter 'storage path' - or something - is empty) and use the paramater folder only when a value (path) is set, this would not break existing implementations? Or am I wrong?

And is someone already has the (default) folder images/econa with images in them, and they changes the folder path AND copie all the files to that path that would also be possible?

Just some thoughts ;-)

Lefteris Kavadas
That's correct in the case we add our own parameter. But for Econa Article Images we opted to use the images path option of the core media manager. We will think again about it.
Thank you for your feedback.

Jip JJ Jonker
Hi! Is this option still being considered for a later version of Econa? We mainly use the Econa custom field plugin, and we always have to tell the users: "Ignore and do not change/alter the 'Econa' folder in the filebrowser". Not a big issue, but moving the folder outside the 'images' folder (to the 'media' folder? hides it from the users so it also won't confuse them and the won;t be able to (accidently) remove or alter the folders / files.

Kind regards,

Lefteris Kavadas
Yes, it is still under consideration, but unfortunately we didn't make it for the last release.


Jip JJ Jonker
OK, maybe the next release ;-) Wishing you happy holidays for now!

Jip JJ Jonker
Is this feature still in development?

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Jip,

No, not yet. All features are paused in order to get the extension ready for Joomla 4.


Jip JJ Jonker
OK, thanks!

Lefteris Kavadas
You are welcome.

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