#374 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Marc Pradel on Thursday, 07 March 2019 19:02 EET

Marc Pradel
 Hi there,

i have a problem with the option 'hide' on the category view with econa custom field setting. It display the right image size, but ignores the setting 'hide' for the caption? I use the standard rendering method of joomla on the beforeDisplayContent event.

Do you have an idea?


Lefteris Kavadas

I just tested and I can verify this. Probably something changed in latest Joomla versions and we have a slightly different behaviour.
We will work on this and let you know.
Thank you for reporting.


Lefteris Kavadas
That was quick. We have fixed this already for the next update. If you are familiar with changing a line of code please let me know so I post the modifications.


Marc Pradel
Yes, please send me the modification...


Lefteris Kavadas
You need to edit the file plugins/fields/econa/econa.php and replace line 194 with the following:
if (!is_null($value))


Marc Pradel
Thank you!

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