#379 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Jip JJ Jonker on Tuesday, 19 March 2019 16:13 EET

Jip JJ Jonker

When an image is shown in the article view (or list view) there is a lightbox action attached to it that opens the image in a nice lightbox. Execellent! But maybe you could add a function to it that checks if the actual image that is used in the lightbox has a minimum size. Or is a least larger then the image used on the page. Now when someone uploads a small image, the image shown in the lighbox has the sam size, so a lightbox has no added value. Right?

Maybe you could add a setting that users can set to only use the lightbox when an image (used for the lightbox) is of a specific size. So we could ad something like '400' and only when a lightbox image is larger (width or height)then this size the lightbox function is added.

Just a thought!

Lefteris Kavadas

Actually we don't know the real image size to apply a condition like this.


Jip JJ Jonker
Is the real image size not set in econa settings? Or is are uploaded images not set to a specific set size while uploading? That would probably also mean smaller images are 'upscaled' by econa, and that would also not be a good idea though...

Anyway, it's not a big deal. I just noticed one of our website users added a small image and in that case the popup has no added value... But I understand you would need some measurements to perform this check.

I will let the user(s) know that they should preferably upload larger (source) images.

Lefteris Kavadas
No, the images are not upscaled, that's why we don't know the actual dimensions. We only know the dimensions entered in the settings.


Jip JJ Jonker
OK thanks!

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