#458 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Jip JJ Jonker on Monday, 16 December 2019 13:17 EET

Jip JJ Jonker
It would be nice if we could 'force' a user to crop and save an uploaded image on upload somehow. So the image won't be stored if it is not cropped to a specific aspect ratio. This would maybe also require a 'fixed' aspect ratio to be set. This is another feature we have requested.

When someone uploads an image we then would like to automatically open the edit windows and set the aspect ratio. After selecting the psrt of the image that the user wants the image is saved. This would always force the user to crop to a specific size.

Would this be something you would consider for a future version?

We mainly use the Econa custom field plugin so for this ticket I am actually talking about the usage of this Econa implemnentation.. Not sure if this would benefit other types of econa implementations.

Kind regards,

Lefteris Kavadas

I am thinking of switching automatically to edit mode when a new image is uploaded. Would you think this will work for you?


Jip JJ Jonker
Yes, I think that would be a good thing for our users. Maybe for other users prefer to not do this. You might consider to have a plugin setting for this?

If we could also set a fixed aspect ratio, that would also be nice.

And when we combine this we maybe also could set the aspect ratio to apply on save even if the user has not applied this? That would make the use for endusers faster:

- Choose image
- Aspect ratio is set (default middle of the page)
- Auto apply selection on save (even without clicking 'apply' button)

This 'auto apply/save selection' should maybe also be a plugin setting?

Just some thoughts...

Lefteris Kavadas
I will add an option for sure when I add this feature.
Regarding the aspect ratio, this is a different task. I need to change the options so the user can choose which ratios should be available.
The automatic crop cannot implemented right now. We need the original image, otherwise after the automatic crop the user will have to upload it again in case he wants to make a change.
In general, I have several things to change in the extension. I am also waiting for the first BETA of Joomla 4 to see how we can move on.
I will add the option for auto edit in the next release.


Jip JJ Jonker
Hi! I just installed the new version of Econa and the new option 'Auto edit' in the Econa custom field is great! Thanks for this.

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