#478 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Jip JJ Jonker on Friday, 18 October 2019 10:48 EEST

Jip JJ Jonker
We get these kind of PHP notices in our server logs:

[Mon Oct 07 02:38:45.626632 2019] [lsapi:notice] [pid 31653:tid 140190030993152] [client] [host www.******.nl] Backend log: PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$slug in /home/******/domains******.nl/public_html/plugins/fields/econa/econa.php on line 258\n

Kind regards,

Lefteris Kavadas

Can you please provide more details? Whats your Joomla version? Are you using Econa with articles or with a different extension? Are there any custom views?
Just tested with the latest Joomla version and I don't get this notice in the tag or category view.


Jip JJ Jonker
We use the latest version of Joomla. PHP 7.2.22.
We use the econa custom field plugin. The custom fiels are 'article' fileds.
We use a custom view. We retrieve the article custom fields and then creat a view to output the fields info. One of those fields is the Econa field that contaions URL and settings/versions.

We use the econa article field plugin like this on multiple sites.

I did notice the error says: 'Backend log'. Does that mean it is a notice produced by the backend of Joomla?

Jip JJ Jonker
I think this is indeed a backend notice.

When we open an article with a custom field tab (fieldgroup) that also contains the econa custom field we see these errors:

[Wed Oct 16 12:43:40.643896 2019] [lsapi:notice] [pid 83556:tid 140190424426240] [client] [host www.******.nl] Backend log: PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$slug in /home/hoeve01/domains/******.nl/public_html/plugins/fields/econa/econa.php on line 258\n, referer: https://www.google.com/
[Wed Oct 16 12:43:40.646280 2019] [lsapi:notice] [pid 83556:tid 140190424426240] [client] [host www.******.nl] Backend log: PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$slug in /home/hoeve01/domains/******.nl/public_html/plugins/fields/econa/econa.php on line 258\n, referer: https://www.google.com/
[Wed Oct 16 12:43:40.648079 2019] [lsapi:notice] [pid 83556:tid 140190424426240] [client] [host www.******.nl] Backend log: PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$slug in /home/hoeve01/domains/******.nl/public_html/plugins/fields/econa/econa.php on line 258\n, referer: https://www.google.com/
[Wed Oct 16 14:24:59.996590 2019] [lsapi:notice] [pid 5870:tid 140190466389760] [client] [host www.******.nl] Backend log: PHP Notice: Undefined index: option in /home/hoeve01/domains/******.nl/public_html/libraries/src/Component/Router/Rules/NomenuRules.php on line 104\n
[Wed Oct 16 14:25:00.018946 2019] [lsapi:notice] [pid 5870:tid 140190466389760] [client] [host www.******.nl] Backend log: PHP Notice: Undefined index: option in /home/hoeve01/domains/******.nl/public_html/libraries/src/Component/Router/Rules/NomenuRules.php on line 104\n
[Wed Oct 16 14:25:00.030811 2019] [lsapi:notice] [pid 5870:tid 140190466389760] [client] [host www.******.nl] Backend log: PHP Notice: Undefined index: option in /home/hoeve01/domains/******.nl/public_html/libraries/src/Component/Router/Rules/NomenuRules.php on line 104\n

The first three are econa.php related. The last three I don't know. Maybe they are related?

Lefteris Kavadas
The issue has been resolved. If you can't wait until the next update here is the fix:
Edit file plugins/fields/econa/econa.php and replace line 258 with the following code:
					if (isset($item->slug))
						$slug = $item->slug;
					elseif (isset($item->alias) && $item->alias)
						$slug = $item->alias . ':' . $item->id;
						$slug = $item->id;
					$image->link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($slug, $item->catid, $item->language));


Jip JJ Jonker

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