#533 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Thursday, 19 March 2020 17:21 EET

Petr Foltán
I renewed my subscription because of fix of wrong urls on tag list page, but it is still not solved. Earlier it did not show any article link, now it show link, but with wrong article ID. It is something like real article ID + 2299 or something similar.. You can see it on this page: https://www.moto.cz/tagy/harley-davidson

Lefteris Kavadas

Can you please clarify? I visited the link you provided and the links of the images are the same to those in the titles.


Petr Foltán
yes problem is still here. On my link it is now ok, because I fixed it myself yesterday..
It is very big issue, because it creating many 404 pages, I reported it almost year ago

Petr Foltán
Problem is in plugins/fields/econa/econa.php line 254.
Here you have "$item->core_content_id", which causing wrong urls, must be "$item->id"

Lefteris Kavadas
Are you sure that you have the latest version of Econa? In the new version the link is generated on line 264. The code was on line 254 before the fix. In any case, I will check it again and let you know. Thank you for reporting this.


Petr Foltán
I bought new subscription for this fix, so I'm really surre that I have latest version. And yes, latest version is generating link, but with wrong item ID...
plugins/fields/econa/econa.php line 254.
Here you have "$item->core_content_id", which causing wrong urls, must be "$item->id"

Petr Foltán
Still not fixed..?

Lefteris Kavadas
Not sure what you expect to get fixed. In the latest version line 254 is a blank line. The issue has been fixed a long time ago. The code now is the following and it works fine in all the tests I have made:
		// Link
		$image->link = '';
		$image->modal = '';

		if ($field->fieldparams->get('link'))
			if ($context == 'com_content.article')
				if ($view == 'tag')
					$image->link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($item->core_content_id . ':' . $item->core_alias, $item->core_catid, $item->core_language));
					if (isset($item->slug))
						$slug = $item->slug;
					elseif (isset($item->alias) && $item->alias)
						$slug = $item->alias . ':' . $item->id;
						$slug = $item->id;
					$image->link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($slug, $item->catid, $item->language));

Petr Foltán
Again, it is not fixed, in your code you have "$item->core_content_id", but this causing wrong article ID in url! must be "$item->id"

$image->link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($item->core_content_id . ':' . $item->core_alias, $item->core_catid, $item->core_language));

must be:
$image->link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($item->id . ':' . $item->core_alias, $item->core_catid, $item->core_language));

Instead image in tag view have totaly wrong article ID, so url does not work

Lefteris Kavadas
No, you are wrong. When you are in a tag view the item->core_id is the article ID. It works fine for me in all my tests. Have you tested this code? What's your Joomla version?


Lefteris Kavadas
If you are using the latest version and the issue remains then something else is going on. In that case please create a new private ticket and provide administrator credentials and FTP access so I can troubleshoot this.


Petr Foltán
Now you wrote item->core_id is the article ID, but in your code there is $item->core_content_id....
I have latest joomla and latest econa...

Lefteris Kavadas
The variable is core_content_id this was just a typo in my comment. In any case the provided code should work. If not please create a private ticket and provide the information I requested so I can troubleshoot this.


Petr Foltán
simply install clean latest joomla and econa, then image urls on tag list page are wrong (it is like real url + 2300)
Now when I change "$item->core_content_id" to "$item->id" in econa.php the urls are ok..

Lefteris Kavadas
Just tested clean Joomla 3.9.16 and latest Econa 1.7.5 and everything works fine for me.
And again:
If it is still not working for you create a private ticket and provide the information I requested so I can help you.


Petr Foltán
Ok, it you offer me at least private ticket for help.
But why you didn't help me when I first time reported it? It is 1 year age. I reported it one month before expiry of my subscription, and You not solved it, it is open till today.. I expecting help for paying customer.. But I must payed for subscription again..
I apologize for the anger but I'm really disappointed for that..

Lefteris Kavadas
The issue has been fixed on 16th of April 2019. A few days after you reported. The fix was included in the version 1.7.4 which was released on July 2019. You can see for yourself in the release notes:


So the issue is considered solved as of July 2019.
Again, this works fine in all my tests. I cannot fix something I cannot reproduce. If you provide the details I requested I will troubleshoot this. Otherwise there is nothing more I can do. I hope this makes sense.


Petr Foltán
I wrote you year ago, that it is not fixed for me and you did nothink with it till now...
And few days? it was 3 months from time I reported it...

Lefteris Kavadas
We are not releasing a new version every time an issue is fixed. Unless it's a critical one. If a user requests a fix for an issue we always provide the code changes so he doesn't need to wait for the update.

In any case, the issue has been fixed, there are no other reports and we cannot reproduce the issue in any test.
Since you don't provide access to your site facing the issue, there is nothing more I can do. If you change your mind please let me know.


Petr Foltán
You do not offer me support in my issue when I reported it one year ago! so stop lying. You forced me to buy a new membership and then after year you offer me help now
I would accept it if there was any substitute or apology, but now there is just bullshit..
Econa is great extension, but the support make me very disappointed..

Lefteris Kavadas
I will not apologize for something that happened only in your mind. Here are the facts so people reading this can understand who is lying:

1. You opened this issue on 15th of April 2019.
2. The issue was fixed in the codebase the next day. On 16th of April 2019.
3. On 16th of May you requested to send you an update because your subscription was expiring. I gave you the fix even if I shouldn't. We are not enforced to release an update every time a client's subscription ends.
4. The fix was included in the version 1.7.4 which was released on July 2019.
5. You renewed your subscription on 29th of February 2020. I never forced you or anyone to buy a subscription. Recall now or prove it.
6. The same day you created this ticket. Since then, I am trying to provide help and and you just don't accept it.

Just checked our records and you have created six other tickets and all of them are resolved. And now you claim that the support is disappointing!

After six resolved tickets and the fact that I gave you the fix even if I shouldn't you should be thankful. Coming here after all this and requesting an apology makes you unthankful and arrogant.

For the last time before I close this ticket, I am asking you to provide access to your site so I can help you.

Petr Foltán
You are really demagog..
What you write is partically true, but you still missing ticket ID 423, where I wrote that your fix is not working for me andf it is open without any answer till now..
So stop answering this, it is really boring, still the same, you must have your own true

Lefteris Kavadas
Obviously you have nothing to say about the facts I wrote, that's why you are trying to offend me. It's really fine. I will not get into this.

Regarding the rest of your response, there is no partially true. It's either true or not. The things I listed are facts there is no room for doubt. And they can be proved.

Regarding the ticket you refer to, your subscription had expired. I gave you the fix (while I shouldn't) which is working for me and the rest clients. And then you come back responding that the fix is not working for you. So you asked for support while your subscription was expired. That's why this ticket remained unresolved.

In any case, since you do not want to get help I am closing this ticket. The issue is considered resolved since it works in all the tests I have made and we have no other reports from other clients. If you change your mind and you want to get help create a new one.

Note: An active subscription is required in order to get support for our paid extensions. For our free extensions, if you don't have an account, register and then submit your support request.  In case you just want to ask a question, you can also use the contact form .

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