#656 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Friday, 11 December 2020 12:13 EET

Thomas Lindemann
 Warning: ini_set(): The script tried to set the 'memory_limit' above the allowed value in /var/www/virtual/sportkreisregionkassel.de/htdocs/plugins/content/econa/econa.php on line 11

Warning: ini_set(): The script tried to set the 'memory_limit' above the allowed value in /var/www/virtual/sportkreisregionkassel.de/htdocs/plugins/content/econa_article_images/econa_article_images.php on line 11

How can I solve this?

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Thomas,

Have you changed your server? Are you using any security hardening extensions (suhosin) on your server?
Econa tries to set the server's memory limit to 512M when resizing to avoid memory limit related errors.
Try to set error reporting to none under Joomla global configuration to hide the error.

Please let me know if that hides the warning.


Thomas Lindemann
Hi Lefteris,
I didn't change anything. I saw this message because during another problem I had to set on the debug and error reporting mode. Probably we have this problem longer. I've checkt my memory limit on my servers and max limit ist 128 MB. (But I cannot raise them)
if I turned Error Report off than I don't see anything.

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Thomas,

You should keep your memory limit as low as you want. The warning is thrown probably by a security extension because Econa tries to raise it to a safe value for large image processing.
Check for the keyword "suhosin" in your php info screen. But in any case, you can safely ignore this warning.


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