#681 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Friday, 26 February 2021 00:45 EET

herve D

It seems to me that it worked because you had made a new version.
I just bought a "Social backlink" to publish automatically but I realize that even manually, the image is not taken back !
You had made a new version which makes the publication possible.
I have contacted the developer who ... sends me back to you !
"In fact, Facebook automatically gets image from a website base on meta tag og:image in previous tickets. This problem doesn't relate to Social Backlinks, SB extension only pushes the article title and article page url to the Facebook page. So you just need to ensure an image with Econa" generate meta tag og:image with correct value on your article page. In case they don't generate meta tag correctly you could report/send a feature request to that extension developer."
I have the same problem on 2 sites publishing manually (without their extension).

I published an article with your econa field for the 1st note https://www.clibre.eu/fr/ressources-libre-en-ligne/horscine-plate-forme-libre-de-films-en-libre-diffusion

I can give access because I don't know what to say or do!

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Herve,

We added this feature at the last update. Note that this feature works only for custom fields integration.


herve D
Thank you for your prompt response. I did some more tests.

Indeed it works well for some urls like https://www.clibre.eu/fr/logiciels-libres/vlc-media-player-lecteur-multimedia-simple-rapide-et-puissant

But not with :
On these 2 last urls, I can add manually an image on the facebook note already published !

I wonder if your extension does not limit something that would explain that the last 2 urls are published on facebook without image??


Lefteris Kavadas
It should work for all article pages.
You just have to enable the relevant option in the custom field settings.
Econa does not allow you to add manually the required tag. For such case you might want to try Route 66. It allows you to fill all the details regarding Facebook sharing. This feature is included in the free version. No need to get the PRO.


herve D
I have already integrated this extension :-) on the sites I have told you about.
It works well for a need I have.
As unless it is the id of "facebook instant article" otherwise I don't see where to set this parameter?
but did you understand that it works on one url and not on the other ! Maybe econa doesn't publish the image below a certain size?
Or do you have another explanation for these differences?


Lefteris Kavadas
Probably Facebook discovered the image by it's own on the first URL. It has nothing to do with the extension.
Econa tells Facebook which image to use by generating a meta tag in the source code. I don't see the generated meta tag on any of the links you provided. You either have the option disabled or you don't have the latest version which added the feature.
By the way the option is located in the extra field edit form and is named "Social sharing image".


herve D
I have version 1.7.6 (released in May!) and a priori no more recent version?
I didn't check the source code but I always activated the plugin parameter !
Sorry but maybe it's easier to send the image by email because it's not possible here?

Lefteris Kavadas
I just checked your setup. May I ask how are you displaying the image? Because the field option "Automatic Display" is set to "Do not automatically display". Changing this made the Facebook image work as expected.


herve D
Ah ok it comes from this parameter!
I have to work like this because you can see that the page display is not standard! I make a file override to display this result :-)
Is it possible to integrate this case?

Lefteris Kavadas
I can't tell for sure. It depends on how you are using it now and why it's not working. There is a chance that this is something we cannot change on our part.


herve D
The tags og:meta being in the source code, I thus well parameterized the plugin !?
Keep me informed as I don't think I've done anything special.
I only display with the overide the image of the plugin ... standard !
<div itemprop="articleBody"><?php // ******** DEBUT MODIF 16/10/20 **************** ; ?>
<?php echo $this->item->jcfields[2]->value; // type d'information ?>
<div class="accroche"><h2><?php echo $this->item->jcfields[19]->value;// accroche* ?></h2></div>

<div><?php echo $this->item->jcfields[18]->value;// img-econa ?><?php echo $this->item->text; ?></div>
<?php echo $this->item->jcfields[25]->value; ?>


Lefteris Kavadas
Try to set the "Automatic Display" to "After Title" and then use the following snippet:
<?php echo $this->item->event->AfterDisplayTitle; ?>

You can still move this wherever you want inside your item.php layout.


herve D
Do I understand correctly, I also need to make an override of item.php layout which must be in the Joomla tree structure?
It is indeed important that I have the same layout as before and not the image anywhere!

Otherwise, could a pro version of router pro (or econa?) have the possibility to integrate the meta for better integration of joomal custom fields by social networks like facebook? (because I get lost as soon as there are several overrides.)
Even only for the joomla 4 version?

Lefteris Kavadas
There is no need to create a new override. In your current override the code that prints the image is the following:
<?php echo $this->item->jcfields[18]->value;// img-econa ?>

When you set the "Automatic Display" to "After Title" then you can print the image with the following code:
<?php echo $this->item->event->AfterDisplayTitle; ?>

So all you need to do is replace:
<?php echo $this->item->jcfields[18]->value;// img-econa ?>

<?php echo $this->item->event->AfterDisplayTitle; ?>


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