#689 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Thursday, 04 March 2021 17:36 EET

Sarah Walsh
Hi, I've just installed Econa to use with K2 (so I can give images meaningful names) and enabled all the plugins, including K2 - Econa, and now when I try and Edit a K2 item, I get the error message "1146 Table 'reclaime_jos2.#__econa' doesn't exist" and the rest of the screen is blank. Have I missed something in the set up? Thanks, Sarah

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Sarah,

This is weird, never reported before. Did you install the plugin as usual?
What's your Joomla version?


Sarah Walsh
Hi Lefteris, I updated Joomla today to 3.9.25. PHP version is 7.2. Did I have to configure anything on the plugins apart from enabling them? Thanks, Sarah

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Sarah,

Has the update fixed the issue? If yes, I recommend to install the extension again since it failed the first time and might be incomplete.
If you are going to use this as an extra field then you need to configure your desired image sizes when creating the field. Other than that all the plugins have some default values which should be fine for most use cases.


Sarah Walsh
Hi Lefteris, many thanks, I reinstalled the Plugins and I'm not getting the error anymore. However I can't see any changes to the K2 pages, or see where I can add the image name to K2 Items. Can you tell me how to do this? Best wishes, Sarah

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Sarah,

Just make sure that the plugin "K2 - Econa" is enabled. Then you should see the field "Item image filename" right into the K2 item editing form, under the tab "Image".
Econa also allows you to enforce an aspect ratio for images when cropping. The option for this feature is located in the same plugin.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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