#713 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Thursday, 06 May 2021 10:48 EEST

herve D
As for webp, would it be possible to integrate the svg format by controlling the file for security)?
Could you allow it in the next version?

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi herve,

WebP support, when added, will generate a WebP version of the image. Not sure, what's the request with SVG. SVG is used for graphics.
Unless you mean something else.


herve D
Hi Lefteris

Ah ok it will generate a webp image, there will be no cohabitation with images stored in png or jpg?
Do you have an indicative publication period for this new version? next month? with joomla 4?
Generation also for old images?

For the svg, I have a lot of logos that are in svg and I now receive more images in svg format, which I must convert manually? That's why I think it can be interesting but it would need to cohabit with webp because it's not the same technology!


Lefteris Kavadas
SVG is used for logos and graphics. You should not convert SVGs to other image formats for logos. You can use directly the SVG image in your template.
Here is some information on the SVG format in case you are interested: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element/image


herve D
I convert because today it did not work with Econa.
You do not have yet dates or answers to my other questions? and in particular the cohabitation between the formats recorded webp and svg in the future version?

Lefteris Kavadas
There are no plans at the moment to support SVG images in Econa. Econa is used for content images not for graphics.
Regarding the next update, it will be released when Joomla 4 is out (or a bit earlier). We are currently focused on Joomla 4 compatibility and after that we will work on new features.


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