#73 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Tuesday, 19 September 2017 13:49 EEST

Francois Vanasse
 This tab is not showing anywhere. When I try to create a new article the tab is not there.

I created a custom field group and custom fields and the new group shows up in the tabs but not the Econa for joomla images tab.

In the Econa config the tab is configured to yes.

Joomla is update to the latest version 3.7.

Thanks for your help

Lefteris Kavadas

The "Econa Image Tab" is not a custom field. This was the way to use Econa before custom fields arrived in Joomla.

If you are using custom fields then just make sure to create a custom field of type Econa and assign it to the desired custom fields group.

You can also disable completely the "Econa Image Tab" since you are using custom fields. You can find the relevant option in Econa content plugin.

Let us know if you need more help.

Francois Vanasse
It seems I wasn't very clear.

I was using custom fields BECAUSE the tab was not showing and had to try another method of accessing Econa during editing.

I did a new install from scratch, reinstalled Econa with the same results: the tab is still NOT showing. No custom fields this time.

Lefteris Kavadas
The tab is disabled by default.

Go to the plugin settings and enable it.

If the issue persists create a new private ticket and include administrator access to your site so we can have a look.

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