#771 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Ton van der Helm on Monday, 18 October 2021 13:07 EEST

Ton van der Helm
Hello Lefteris,

On my clients website I'm using Econa to have the images automatically resized for the client when she is working on the website.
But when I upload images myself (in an area that is restricted for the client) I notice that those images are also scaled.
I discovered that a possible setting, 'simple method options', in the "Content - Econa Inline Images" can be responsible for this.
What is the best way to practice this?

Greetings, Ton

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Ton,

Can you please provide more details? Are you uploading images inside the article text or in a custom field?

For images inside the article text it's indeed the "Content - Econa Inline Images" which is handling image resizing.
The simple method will just read the img tag width attribute and resize the image based on that value. You can also set a maximum width to be enforced.
Responsive method allows you to set predefined images sizes which Econa generates when saving the article. In the front-end those sizes are loaded using the srcset attribute. You can learn how responsive images work at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/HTML/Multimedia_and_embedding/Responsive_images .

If you don't want your inline images resized you can simply disable the "Content - Econa Inline Images" plugin.

I hope it's more clear now. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Ton van der Helm
Hello Lefteris,
For this website I'm using Yootheme Pro.
The images that I am talking about are the 'Header' images in the slideshow on (almost) every page.
This time I was editing the homepage header-images and I noticed they where al scaled to max 1000 pix width.
So I set the 'simple method options' in the "Content - Econa Inline Images" plugin to max 2560 and that worked.
My client is also working in this website and for her I need this 'automatically resize' option the plugin is giving.
The header-images I upload through ftp or through the Yootheme Pro upload system.
Is there a way to have the images not being scaled if I work on this way?
Greetings, Ton

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Ton,

I have to admit I am a bit confused! This plugin is a content plugin which means that it gets executed when you save an article. I am almost sure that it's not triggered when you are using Yootheme PRO. And I am completely sure that it's not triggered when you uploading using FTP.
However, I am not sure how Yootheme works. If it's creating regular Joomla articles, then when someone saves those articles through the regular Joomla articles interface the plugin will get executed.
Do you think that this is the case? If not, please create a new private ticket and include administrator credentials so I can have a look.


Ton van der Helm
Hello Lefteris,

I don't know how exactly Yootheme Pro is working on the background when you save something.
But in this case it isn't in an article but in a slideshow, a module kind of thing I presume.
So if you can have a look that would be nice.
How can I give you the site credentials?

Greetings, Ton

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Ton,

As I wrote before, just create a new private ticket and provide the credentials there.


Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Ton,

I took a look at the administration and it seems that the builder creates regular Joomla articles, so that's probably the reason the plugin gets triggered. Saving an article outside the builder will trigger the plugin.
You can try to edit the slideshow settings in the builder to see if they have any effect. If not, I am afraid that you will have to either disable the plugin completely, since there is no way for us to know if an article has been created by the builder.


Ton van der Helm
Hello Lefteris,
I will check this.
Greetings Ton

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