#779 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Hans Blankenstein on Monday, 08 November 2021 10:11 EET

Hans Blankenstein
When i try to upload an article intro image at the frontend I get Error: Request failed with status code 404. In the backend it works fine.
How to resolve?

Hans Blankenstein
Hello Lefteris,
I am using Joomla 4.0.4.
I found that when I set in global configuration [Search Engine Friendly URLs] to YES and [Use URL Rewriting] to YES the 404 error occurs when I try to upload an image.
When I set [Search Engine Friendly URLs] to YES and [Use URL Rewriting] to NO the error disappears and the uploads works without a problem.
Hope you can fix this,
Hans Blankenstein

Lefteris Kavadas

Are you using any SEF URLs extension? I need access to your site in order to troubleshoot this.
Please create a new private ticket and provide administrator credentials so I can have a look.


Hans Blankenstein
Thanks Lefteris

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