#808 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Tuesday, 21 December 2021 10:51 EET

Manny Munoz
Dear Support Team,

Am I doing something wrong? I'm new to Joomla and have followed your setup video to install Econa on my CMS, adding the "article field" as you show. Then I have visit one article of mine and try to insert an "econa" picture, which I guess I have do to it by using the "Field" insert, and it does insert this on the page:

{field 1}

but the image does not load, what could be the issue?

I've appreciate if you could help me with this. So far I've been unlucky with your extensions!


Manny Munoz
Dear Support Team,

Any updates about this ticket please? I still can't use your extension on my Joomla

Thank you

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Manny,

Of course I can help you.
Joomla custom fields are displayed in a separate tab named "Fields". Do you see that tab in the article form?


Lefteris Kavadas
An other thing you need to do is to ensure that you have created at least one image size in the custom field.
In order to do this just edit the custom field you created and under the tab "General" look for the option named "Image sizes". There you can define your desired image sizes. After that save the field and make sure that you select the desired image sizes for each view under the tab named "Display Options".
Note that those settings have to do with the setup of the field. As I wrote before you should see the actual field in the article form under the tab named "Fields".


Manny Munoz
Thank you Lefteris,

I've done that (as you nicely show in your demo video), and just to confirm that I don't have the "Fields" tab on my Joomla like you have on the video

I've gone to Extensions > Manage > Manage , type "fields", and all the extensions are enable for the entry fields, no I'm not sure what could be wrong

Thank you

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Manny,

Can you please make sure that the field is published? If it is, and you still don't see the tab in the form, create a new private ticket and provide the site URL as well as administrator credentials so I can have a look.


Manny Munoz
Thank you so much Lefreris for your great patience!

I visited System > Global Configuration > Articles > Editing Layout > and enabled the option “Frontend Images and Links”, and since then I now have the “Fields” tab when editing articles

But have realised the Econa extension may not worked as I expected. For example, on your video of the extension I really loved the effect in 02:07, when the pics opens in the same page without abandoning the reading of the article, and thought I could get the same effect in different pics around a particular article, like on this one: https://www.nazaudy.com/sun-in-the-houses-during-solar-return
But as you can see on the above article, the Econa pic that I think I configured correctly does not expand

Then I added the same pic as a single gallery image, to try to emulate the effect you have on your ShowGallery demo in the “Default Layout – Magnific popup”, when you click on a pic and they expand, https://www.firecoders.com/demos/showtime-image-gallery-for-joomla , but the single-pic gallery that I created cannot be centered it seems

The effect that I want to achieve is just to click on a picture (not a thumbnail) and for it to expand slightly while the reader is still on the same page

You are definitely more than welcome to access my Joomla and see what the problem is, if that’s okay

Thanks so much!

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Manny,

You can make the image open in a lightbox as shown in the video. Just edit the field and under the tab named "Display Options" find the section named "Display options for article view". Make sure that you select an image size there for the option named "Modal".
That's all you need to do and the image will open in a modal.

If you need help create a new private ticket and provide the site URL as well as administrator credentials so I can setup this for you.


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