#885 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Jip JJ Jonker on Wednesday, 04 May 2022 18:07 EEST

Jip JJ Jonker

Refering to: #847 – Error when cropping an image

You said there would be an update that fixes this issue. Can you tell me when we can expect this update? Or can you provide us with a dev version?

Kind regards,

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Jip,

The update will come out this week. We have to fix some other minor issues too.


Jip JJ Jonker
Ok, great. Thanks!

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Jip,

I have sent you over email the development version of Econa which should solve this issue.


Jip JJ Jonker
Hi! The dev version solved the issue! Great. Thanks.

Kind regards,

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