#981 Posted in ‘Econa’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Monday, 16 January 2023 15:08 EET

Petar Grgurev
 I you have closed ticket but ver 1.87 does not reslove problem with K2. I have some situation

Lefteris Kavadas
Try to clean your browser cache and it should work. If not please let me know.


Petar Grgurev
I clean cache on chrome. Same situation. Then go to edge, clear cache from begining, same situation. I got message that new vr k2 is out. Download it. Try upload image, same situation.
Any help

Lefteris Kavadas
Please create a new private ticket and provide administrator access to your site so I can troubleshoot this.


Petar Grgurev

Lefteris Kavadas
it seems this was just a cache issue. I am closing this ticket since everything seems to work fine.


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