#1017 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Tuesday, 28 March 2023 12:20 EEST

Dan Brigstock
Upgraded from 1.9.7 to 1.9.9 and hikashop URLs stopped working (get 404s). "Canonical links" is the only option enabled. Hikashop plug-in is not installed. I went back to 1.9.7 to get things working again.

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Dan,

Is there any chance that you downloaded and installed the free version instead of the PRO?


Dan Brigstock
Hi Lefteris,

From my testing:
1.9.7 works fine with hikashop
1.9.9 breaks hikashop URLs
1.9.9 PRO breaks hikashop URLs

I think 1.9.7 PRO works, but I can't seem to find my download of that.


Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Dan,

There are no changes in the Hikashop plugin. It's exactly the same as version 1.9.7.
I just installed 1.9.9 and the Hikashop plugin is there and it is working fine for me.

If you have missing options and plugins you probably installed the free version insetad of the PRO. You can check that in any Route 66 component page. There is a message at the bottom which includes the exact version that is installed on your system.


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