#1037 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Graham Morris on Tuesday, 16 May 2023 05:11 EEST

Graham Morris

Route 66 is installed on https://focuswebsites.com.au/

The "home" page body text is made up of four parts:-

Website Design for Your Business
Focus Websites can help
Some of our clients' sites
What Our Clients Say

The first of these is an article and the second, third and fourth are modules.

The article and the first module contain internal but no external links, the second module contains no links and the third module contains four external links.

The article editor "SEO" (Route 66) tab, however, tells me "Outbound links: No outbound links appear in this page. Add some!" and a Score of 89 is achieved.

If I add an outbound (dummy) link to the first portion of the page which, as mentioned, is an article, the "SEO' tab tells me "Outbound links: Good job!".

All of this seems to indicate that Route 66 does not detect outbound links contained in modules. (I have not checked the capacity of Route 66 with other types of external links.)

Is this correct?



Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Graham,

The SEO widget in the article tab can only detect the contents of the specific article that is been edited. In order to evaluate a whole page you need to use the URL based SEO analysis tool which can be found at "Components" -> "Route 66" -> "SEO Analysis".
This tool evaluates the whole page output including modules, and template markup.
I hope this is more clear now.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Graham Morris
Hi Lefteris

All clear.

I appreciate the prompt reply.



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