#1054 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by rima elektronik on Thursday, 08 June 2023 19:59 EEST

rima elektronik

Is there a way to make route 66 to get url structure from real categories and product names section instead of slug.
I have to many secand level categories and product dublications with some names.

I have already using following settings:

product: {categoryPath}/{productAlias}
category: {categoryPath}

But urls are:

I want to mak them like:

Thank you.

Lefteris Kavadas

Your setup seems correct. According to the example URLs you provided I guess that you have a product with product alias "black-1". Virtuemart does not allow duplicate alias, so if you don't want to change your product names, you will have to add the product ID or the product SKU to the URL patterns.
I mean to try something like the following for product URL patterns:

Please let me know if that solves the issue.


rima elektronik
You are rigth, i have some sub categories with some names. I have about 25.000 products so about half of the indexed urls will goes to 404.
My live site still on joomla 3 with artio sef. It is directly convert categories names not alias so i can use urls as my example.
I wonder if it is possible for route 66 can do some structure?

Thank you.

Lefteris Kavadas

Route 66 does not support category names, only aliases. For your case I suggest to add the productId to your URL pattern so you avoid collisions. Alternatively, you can edit the aliased of the categories and make them look as you wish.
It's the same as using category names. If you have duplicate category names you will also have conflicts.


rima elektronik
Thank you.

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