#1071 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Friday, 04 August 2023 16:22 EEST

herve D
I haven't used your extension for a long time.
When migrating a site to joomla 4, I find myself with long urls (because of the menu with sometimes a lot of sub-menus).
I would therefore like to display only the level as in the original site
whereas I have fr/former/catalogue-de-formation/formation-protection-individuelle-antichute/formation-utilisation-harnais-antichute.html on the joomla 4 site under test

Dans les paramètres du plugin, j'ai mis
Article URL pattern = {articleAlias}
Category URL pattern = {categoryAlias}

I've set the following parameters but I wonder if it's possible with your extension?

Lefteris Kavadas

Route 66 can change your URLs but it will not affect your menus. Actually, Route 66 gives priority to menu items and that's why those URLs are not affected even if you have set URL patterns.
Since you already have menu items for those pages it's better to edit them accordingly and build the URL structure you wish.
Route 66 URLs are used for cases where you have hundreds of URLs and it is not practical to create a menu item for each one of them (a news website for example).


herve D
Thank you for your reply.
Oh dear, I thought I could use your extension.

Does that mean that you have to go through the hidden menus to get the desired function?
What about the dozens (or even 100) url links?

Isn't there any other way?

Lefteris Kavadas
You still can use Route 66 if you prefer that. You just have to unpublish the menu items you don't want to use.

herve D
Ok no it's still the same problem of disabling ~100 links
and we need menus
Too bad

Lefteris Kavadas
You are welcome.

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