#1100 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Friday, 13 October 2023 11:10 EEST

 I found your plugin and I am hopeful it will help with my issue. Google Search Console shows that I have 3,369 pages not being index because of: Alternate page with proper canonical tag...

I am using EasyBlog and when you look at individual pages they DO have the rel=<URL> address so I'm not sure why I am getting this error (which I assume is hiring my SEO with Google). Does your plugin help fix this?


Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Mark,

Most of the times you don't have to worry about this kind of Google search console warning. It means that you have duplicate pages and some of them do not have a canonical link so Google is not indexing them. But the alternate pages (which have the same content) are indexed. So this means that probably you are not losing any SEO value here.

In order to resolve this issue, you need to check the details that Google provides about this error. You need to check which URLs are not being indexed and what are their alternate pages with proper canonical tag.

Route 66 adds the canonical tag all the pages so it may help you remove some of those errors. Route 66 can also redirect those pages to their alternate pages.

You can download the free version and give it a try. Since you are not going to change your URLs you just need to install Route 66 and check that the option named "Canonical links" in enabled under the component options.

Finally note that you will have to give some time to Google in order to see the results in search console. I recommend to wait around one month before checking the errors again.


Thank you for the quick reply! I really appreciate it!

Lefteris Kavadas
You are welcome.

If you try Route 66 and need any help please let me know.


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