#1115 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Tuesday, 07 November 2023 13:00 EET

Sarah Eagle
Last one, honest!

I have a site that currently has two domain names - one with a .com suffix and one with a .co.uk suffix.
We are getting ready to switch from the .co.uk to the .com.
This means we need all of the caconical URLs to point to the .com domain name whichever site you are on.

Is this feasible with R66? At the moment it shows
<link href="https://domainname.com/sectors/biotech" rel="canonical"> on the .com domain name and
<link href="https://domainname.co.uk/sectors/biotech" rel="canonical"> on the .co.uk name.

S :)

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Sarah,

You don't need Route 66 for this. There is an option in the "System - SEF" plugin. Set your desired domain there and it should work.
If not please let me know.


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