#1131 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Thursday, 14 December 2023 11:24 EET


In the article SEO tab, i have this message:

This content is linked directly to a menu item which overrides the title and the URL of the page. If you want to change those properties you have to edit the menu item.

"If you want to change those properties" does it mean that in "menu item" i can change properties and enable the title and the URL of the page instead the title and the URL of the menu item ?

If yes, where can i change those properties in the menu item in Joomla 4 ?

Thank you.

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Olivier,

Menu items are fundamental in Joomla since they can override most SEO related parts of the article. The menu items are also responsible for module assignments.

So if you have a direct menu item to an article you need to set the browser page title, the meta description and the alias from the menu item edit form.
You can find the menu item by navigating to "Menus" -> "All Menu Items". When you find the menu item you want to edit just look at the tabs named "Page Display" and "Metadata".
Here is the official Joomla documentation about menu items: https://docs.joomla.org/Help4.x:Menu_Item:_New_Item

Please let me know if you need more help.


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