#1183 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Monday, 15 April 2024 11:27 EEST

Craig Kennedy
I used to use SH404 but its now changed and not so good, also expensive. Route66 has good reviews but I am a little baffled.

I use SPPageBuilder, Yootheme ZOO and Widgetkit prety much for the bulk of the site. Route 66 appears to do nothing for ZOO items whatspever, leaveint the normal non SEF url in play?

I need to have all urls SEF, but I also need to be able to assign aliases to said URLs, does your pro edition offer this option

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Craig,

Route 66 URLs feature is only available for specific Joomla extensions. Route 66 can only change the URLs of the extensions listed in the documentation page: https://www.firecoders.com/documentation/route-66#supported-extensions
As far as I know ZOO has support for SEF URLs as long as you enable SEF URLs in Joomla global configuration. But in any case you can't use Route 66 URL patterns with ZOO, it's not supported. Route 66 URL feature was designed to help site managers to change URLs for sites that have a lot of content (news sites for example). For smaller sites we always recommend to use menu items for URLs.

You can always download the free version of Route 66 in order to evaluate it and see if it fits your needs.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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