#1189 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Monday, 20 May 2024 12:22 EEST

Udi Tiran
Hello team
I've installed Route 66 but when I load an article page, it's not loading properly.
I have noticed the when the component is enabled, the Body class is populated with the homepage and not with the category's. See below:

with route66
site helix-ultimate hu com_content com-content view-article layout-default task-none itemid-665 he-il rtl sticky-header layout-fluid offcanvas-init offcanvs-position-right home

without route66
site helix-ultimate hu com_content com-content view-article layout-blog task-none itemid-1185 he-il rtl sticky-header layout-fluid offcanvas-init offcanvs-position-right news

My tempalte is Helix Ultimate

Thank you

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Udi,

Can you please provide more details? Which versions of Joomla and Route 66 are you using?


Udi Tiran
Hi Lefteris Kavadas, thank you for your reply.

This is my issue:
My settings:
PHP: 8.1
Joomla 5.1.0
Route 66: 1.9.10 (free)
Joomshaper Helix Ultimate: 2.1.0
Joomshaper SP Page builder: 5.3.1

The issue:
I'm using page builder and the addon articles to get articles from a category.
When I click on an article link, the display is corrupt and as mentioned, the body class is not the correct one.

Another issue is that I can't use the Page Builder's front-end editor if route 66 is enabled.
I get the following error:

# Function Location
1 () JROOT/components/com_content/src/Model/ArticleModel.php:218
2 Joomla\Component\Content\Site\Model\ArticleModel->getItem() JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/View/AbstractView.php:159
3 Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\AbstractView->get() JROOT/components/com_content/src/View/Article/HtmlView.php:110
4 Joomla\Component\Content\Site\View\Article\HtmlView->display() JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:697
5 Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() JROOT/components/com_content/src/Controller/DisplayController.php:122
6 Joomla\Component\Content\Site\Controller\DisplayController->display() JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:730
7 Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() JROOT/libraries/src/Dispatcher/ComponentDispatcher.php:143
8 Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\ComponentDispatcher->dispatch() JROOT/components/com_content/src/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php:56
9 Joomla\Component\Content\Site\Dispatcher\Dispatcher->dispatch() JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:361
10 Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:218
11 Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:261
12 Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:306
13 Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() JROOT/includes/app.php:58
14 require_once() JROOT/index.php:32

Thank you

Udi Tiran
I have also followed the recomendations in the below support ticket:

Issue seems very similar.
Unfortunatly, it did not resolve my issue.

Udi Tiran
I have disabled all extensions / plugins and swiched to cassiopeia template
Still getting the same issue.

I go to category blog page, click on a blog item.
On the following page, the body class menu item id is the homepage menu item id and the home class also appears.

Tested on multiple browsers and private / incognito

Lefteris Kavadas

Hi Udi,


Is there any chance that you have multiple menu items pointing in the same category? What's the type of menu item ID with 665? 

We have just updated our website to Joomla 5.1 and the Itemid functionality seems to work fine in our case.



Udi Tiran
I have disabled all other menu items but it didn't help
Menu item id 665 is my homepage. it was a link to SP page builder page
I have changed it now to Featutred articles but problem remains

Lefteris Kavadas

Is menu item with ID 1185 pointing to "Articles - Category Blog" ?

Udi Tiran

Lefteris Kavadas

Hi Udi,


Please create a new private ticket and provide administrator credentials for your website so I can take a look.

If possible, please provide FTP access too since I will probably going to need it in order to troubleshoot this issue in depth.



Udi Tiran
Privet ticket created

Lefteris Kavadas

Hi Udi,


I made several tests and it seems that this is a core issue. For example, if you create a latest articles module and you place it in your site you will see that the generated link will resolve to Itemid 665 or it will inherit the current page Itemid.

I will make some more tests and I will let you know when I make any progress.



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