#1201 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Tuesday, 04 June 2024 13:25 EEST

Leonardo Labadessa

Loading the sitemap generated with route66Pro on search.google.com gives me an error. With the free version the sitemap uploaded to search.google.com worked well. I bought the Pro version because I have an Eshop on my site

Thank you

Lefteris Kavadas

Hi Leonardo,


Can you please share the URL of the sitemap you submitted to Google Search Console? Maybe something has changed on Google side regarding sitemaps. There is no change between the free and the pro version of Route 66 in sitemaps.


Leonardo Labadessa

I submitted about ten sitemaps to search console, all destined to fail
Here is the latest:


Thank you

Leonardo Labadessa

Yes, it definitely depends on Chrome. With Edge the latest sitemap returns me;


<sitemapindex xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">

Please make Route66 work with Chrome too


Lefteris Kavadas

Hi Leonardo,

The sitemaps are not related with the browsers at all. Sitemaps are designed to work with search engines not web browsers. Just make sure that your sitemaps are published before submitting to Google Search Console.

If the issue persists please provide administrator credentials in a private ticket so I can take a look.



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