#1202 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Faouzi MELLAIME on Sunday, 23 June 2024 01:31 EEST



We are upgrading Artio JoomSEF for Route 66 Pro to upgrade our website to Joomla 4. 

There is a way to add the product manufacturer name to the URL ? I find the Manufacturer alias for hikashop but not for Virtuemart.

If not, do you think you can add it to the next release ?

Thank you.

Lefteris Kavadas

Hi Faouzi,

I have to look at the code to verify this but as long as I remember this was not possible with Virtuemart and that's why we didn't add it. 

I will check with the newer Virtuemart versions and if it's doable I will try to add it. 

We also need to test more Route 66 with the latest Virtuemart so I you spot any issues please let us know.




Hello Lefteris,

Thanks for your reply.

Yes I think it's possible. We really want to use Route 66 instead Artio JoomSef.

Here you can find the capture of the screen with the manufacturer setting. Actually our Virtuemart products have these url : https://website.com/manufacturer/product_alias

Link to the screen :

If you can do this it can be fabulous.

Thank you.



Any news about the {manufacturerAlias} for virtuemart.

I see that there is already for HIkashop.

We cannot upgrade to Joomla 4 because we don't find any extension that allow to have an url like : {manufacturerAlias}/{productAlias}

and if we change the url we will loose our google SEO.

Can you please integer this feature in the next version ?

Thanks in advance.

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