#1218 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Malte Geschwinder on Thursday, 27 June 2024 14:09 EEST

Malte Geschwinder


I used Route 66 with "tags/{tagAlias}" as tag URL pattern for many years and it was working flawlessly.

Now - I don't know since when exactly - this doesn't work anymore. All tags get the url "/tags/root".

If tag url is empty or not activated in Route 66 it falls back to the standard (unwanted) pattern "/component/tags/tag/tag-id-tag-alias".

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance and best regards


Malte Geschwinder

Current config:

  • Route 66 PRO 1.9.11
  • Joomla 4.4.5

Is it possible that the error is related to the recent update to version 1.9.11?

Malte Geschwinder

Confirmed. I downgraded to version 1.9.10 and the error doesn't occur anymore.

Notification about fixing this issue is appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Lefteris Kavadas

Hi Malte,


I have just released version 1.9.12 which should fix the issue. If not please let me know.



Malte Geschwinder

Thank you very much!

At least from my perspective the issue is fixed.

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