#1220 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Monday, 01 July 2024 13:08 EEST

Brendan Hedges
I've just updated my Route66 to the latest version on a J4 site.
Since updating, the select image from media manager options for the og image metadata in the article do not seem to be working as they used to do.
If I add the image URL as a custom URL then the image is recognised in the Facebook debugger, If I add the same image via the media manager the debugger records the URL of the image, but will not display the image in the debugger console, or as a  post in Facebook.
In the process of checking everything in the HTML looks fine, the caches are all cleared and turned of, as is my CDN. 
I wonder, is there something in Route66's code that maps the image from media manager that has changed in recent updates?
Regards, Brendan 

Lefteris Kavadas

Hi Brian,

Can you provide a URL where the issue occurs? What's the response of the Facebook Share Debugger when you add the image through media manager?

In Joomla 4 and later, the core media manager adds some metadata to the selected image URL like the dimensions. For example:


Although this is a valid URL maybe the debugger cannot handle it properly. If that's the case we can add clean the metadata when rendering.




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