#1226 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Tuesday, 16 July 2024 14:41 EEST

Jeff Evensen
I have Route66 installed on two websites.
One website works great.
On  the second, the SEO tab in the editor is not displaying information. (doesn't matter which editor I try)
Hmmm, don't seem to be able to upload a screenshot. so I'll describe it.
The snippet preview is blank
The focus keyword is populated (which normally seems to trigger a populated snippet preview)
The score is blank
The analysis is blank
Joomla 5.11
Route66 1.9.12
It seems something is blocking something. I've turned off most of the other 3rd party components and plug-ins with no change. 

Lefteris Kavadas

Hi Jeff,


This sounds like a javascript issue. Please provide administrator credentials in a new private ticket so I can have a look.


Lefteris Kavadas

Hi Jeff,


I have installed the development to your site and it should be working fine now. If not please let me know.

Thank you for reporting this issue.



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