#1233 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Thursday, 01 August 2024 20:36 EEST

Emmett Culley
I just installed Route 88, then immediately saw this error.Class "JFactory" not foundThen like a dumb shit I tried to enable the extension.  Now I cannot manage extensions at all.  All I see is the same Class "JFactory" not found every time I click on manage extensions.Please help as my site is down as I see only: The requested page can't be found.I am on fully updated Joomla 5

Emmett Culley
I fixed my site by renaming all route66 directories in /modules one at a time.  Once I got the site back up I deleted the extension.  Now I'll wait for a response before here I install it again.

Lefteris Kavadas

Hi Emmett,

Route 66 requires the "Behaviour - Backward Compatibility" plugin in order to work under Joomla 5. This plugin is part of the Joomla core and is enabled by default. Probably you disabled that plugin and that's why your site broke.

If you face any issues while the "Behaviour - Backward Compatibility" plugin is enabled, please let me know.



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