#124 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Monday, 26 March 2018 13:10 EEST

Vito Palumbo
Thanks, I'm a new Firecoders user.
I'm running Joomla 3.8.6 and Gantry 5 Framework. I installed Route 66. When I try to put my site online, and I browse the homepage without logging in, I have some problems with the template: text font not loaded correctly, Gantry particles that do not work properly.
If I view the site by logging in, however, everything works fine.
If I disable the System - Route 66 Google PageSpeed plugin, all works, and the template is regularly loaded.

Lefteris Kavadas

The fact that it works fine when logged in indicates that this has something to do with caching. Does the template have any caching options?
Route 66 includes some options regarding CSS and javascript optimization. Have you tried to play tweak them and see the results?
Which template are you using?


Vito Palumbo
I'm using Medical template, developed by Inspitheme. If I exclude Gantry 5 Theme (but only in the home page), all works fine, but I get Low 44 / 100 in PageSpeed Insight.

Vito Palumbo
In addition to this, in all menu items that belong to the sublevel, I do not see the image "Intro Image" of the category. The image in the Blog view is not loaded because Joomla looks for the image in an incorrect location.

Lefteris Kavadas
Please create a new private ticket including administrator and FTP access to your site so I can troubleshoot this.


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