#1281 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Monday, 02 December 2024 11:49 EET

Hello , 
I have a problem with Joomla update that seems to come from route 66. I had not seen it as I had a problem with another extension.
I have de-activated the compatibility plugin. The site works well , as well on the admin side and the front side.  BUT we get the update for the Fr language. And I cannot update without activating back the compatibility plugin. I have switched the debug to maximum and here is what I get
screenshot of error page
When I deactivate every part of the route 66 package, I can update with no error.
Thank you for your help

Lefteris Kavadas

Hi Manuel,

Can you please provide the error you are seeing since the screenshot has not been saved?

here is the screenshot

Lefteris Kavadas

Hi Manuel,

I guess that you are using an older version of Route 66. The latest release does not contain any reference to JPlugin class. So you just have to update Route 66. If for some reason the automatic updater fails then you can try to enable the plugin named "Behaviour - Compatibility" and try again. After updating Route 66 you can disable again that plugin (as long as it is not needed by any other third party extensions that you are using).

Please let me know if that solves the issue.


Hello thank you for your answer. I have removed Route 66 and then set a new installation with fresh download, and everything is OK.
Thank you very much !

Lefteris Kavadas

You are welcome.

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