#226 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Saturday, 25 August 2018 21:25 EEST

Hello, I'm using the free version of Route 66. If I edit an article, on the top I've got the following message:

This content is linked directly to a menu item which overrides the title and the URL of the page. If you want to change those properties you have to edit the menu item.

If I edit the menu item, the message is still there. Can I ignore it or what does this message exactly mean?

Lefteris Kavadas

This message is there to inform you that any changes you make to the article title or alias will have no effect on the SEO. You can safely ignore this message but if you want to change the page URL or title you have to do it through the menu item.


Ah, thank you. We found out, that Route 66 is sometimes a little... slow to show the current title etc. If we edited the title at the menu item, it still shows the old one. Guess it needs a little time to show the correct title.

Lefteris Kavadas
I don’t think that this is the case. The changes should reflect immediately.

We will check if there is such an issue.

Thank you for reporting

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