#234 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Thursday, 27 September 2018 23:12 EEST

simone banks nascimento oliveira
This error occurs when saving or posting an article, this shortly after the update

Ocorreu um erro.
0 Call to undefined method Joomla\CMS\Application\AdministratorApplication::getLanguageFilter()
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I think of buying the pro version, but I want guarantees that these errors do not occur

Lefteris Kavadas

Can you please provide some information? What's your Joomla version? What's the Route 66 version you are using?


simone banks nascimento oliveira
Joomla! 3.8.12
Route 66 v1.6.0

Lefteris Kavadas
I cannot verify the issue. It's working fine for me. Can you please create a new private ticket and provide administrator access to your site?


simone banks nascimento oliveira
I need to verify the error, it continues even with the pro version, in my analysis it is an incompatibility with the "Content - JSitemap Pingomatic" plugin of the JSitemap Pro component, as soon as I unplug the plugin this error some.
I have another question regarding the componete, it is saving the aliase with accent and special characters, but this leads to many 404 error pages, what configuration should I change so that the plugin of yours already saves the aliase without those characters?

Lefteris Kavadas
Route 66 has nothing to do with the alias generation. This is handled by Joomla. Probably you have to set the "Unicode Aliases" under the Joomla global configuration to "No".
Regarding the error you are getting, please create a new private ticket and include FTP and administrator credentials for your site.


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