#241 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Tuesday, 09 October 2018 23:48 EEST

i'm really satisfied with your plugin, Seo management is great and now you have solved also the multilingual issue that help me a lot.
But i have a problem with the sitemap feature i created my sitemap as you explain in doc, this is my link:

I submitted to google search console (to be indexed) but i receive two errors: file in format not valid (not supported)(Html)
if you go in the two links you get a 404 error.
What may cause this? My wrong set up?


Thank you

Lefteris Kavadas

Are you using any other SEF extensions? Just tested my own site and sitemaps work fine. Which version of Joomla are you using?


Are you using any other SEF extensions?

No, at least that i know... i'm checking my plugins and components, will try disabling some of them to see if there are some conflicts...

Which version of Joomla are you using?

I'm using the latest Joomla 3.8.12

I solved in this way:

in admnistration > global configuration > SEO settings:

i have enabled only Activate URL SEF and Rewrite URL SEF.
in your plugin i have enabled Canonical links and Redirects

In this way sitemap.xml is created.

Just another question: I don't see any images or video even if i have enabled them. And i have hundred of them in my web site.
With which mechanism thet are added or not to the sitemap? Maybe i can make some modification to my articles modules to have included?

Thank you

Lefteris Kavadas
Route 66 will use the article images (intro and full image) for the sitemaps. Videos option works only for K2 since Joomla articles do not have a video field.

Finally keep in mind that Google is using sitemaps as a tool to indicate your important content. This means that even if you submit no sitemaps Google will still crawl and index your site.


Route 66 will use the article images (intro and full image) for the sitemaps.

I don't completely understand this, because i have images in my articles but they are not included.

for example, in this article i have this little image inside:

<img class="favth-img-polaroid favth-img-left favth-img-rounded" title="dettaglio su marker" src="https://www.firecoders.com/images/kalwaltart/dipinti/ideogramma/ideogramma_AR01/ideogramma_AR01_pittura_astratta_detail_min.JPG" alt="Ideogramma AR01 pittura astratta con realtà aumentata di Walter Perdan - dettaglio su marker" width="120" height="120" />

but it is not indexed in the sitemap, it' is something that i can do, modifying the code?

Finally keep in mind that Google is using sitemaps as a tool to indicate your important content. This means that even if you submit no sitemaps Google will still crawl and index your site.

yes, sitemap is very useful, but google should crawls better with a sitemap?

I found this article...
Now it's clear what i should do!
Thank you

Best regards


Lefteris Kavadas
You are welcome.
Maybe we should add a function to fetch automatically the first image from article text if no intro or full image is set in the article.
Let me know if you have more questions.

If you like Route 66 please post a review at the Joomla extensions directory.


I started to add one image to the articles as you described (adding a full image by image and link tab) but i noticed that the image with a description (alt tag ?) is not recognized by the SEO Route66 plugin, i mean that i add the key-word in the description nad has no effect from this point: Does it normal?

Lefteris Kavadas
That's a different issue, nothing to do with the sitemap. I am closing this since the sitemaps seem to work fine. We will take a look at the SEO image issue as soon as possible.

Thank you for reporting.


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