Quick question, I know it will not make any difference, but I am just curious. I have all items, but the score is 98% and not 100%. Why is that?
Score: 98%
This page has 0 nofollowed outbound link(s) and 1 normal outbound link(s).
This page has 0 nofollowed internal link(s) and 1 normal internal link(s).
The focus keyword appears in the first paragraph of the copy.
The keyword density is 0.6%, which is great; the focus keyword was found 2 times.
The meta description contains the focus keyword.
The meta description has a nice length.
The images on this page contain alt attributes with the focus keyword.
The text contains 312 words. This is more than or equal to the recommended minimum of 300 words.
The SEO title has a nice length.
The focus keyword appears in the URL for this page.
Score: 98%
This page has 0 nofollowed outbound link(s) and 1 normal outbound link(s).
This page has 0 nofollowed internal link(s) and 1 normal internal link(s).
The focus keyword appears in the first paragraph of the copy.
The keyword density is 0.6%, which is great; the focus keyword was found 2 times.
The meta description contains the focus keyword.
The meta description has a nice length.
The images on this page contain alt attributes with the focus keyword.
The text contains 312 words. This is more than or equal to the recommended minimum of 300 words.
The SEO title has a nice length.
The focus keyword appears in the URL for this page.