#272 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Arnaud Levy - Trarevo on Friday, 23 November 2018 23:22 EET

Arnaud Levy - Trarevo

Great Plugins!
I won 10 points in the Google Pagespeed.

But I have nioticed an important issue about the accessbility of by website:
If you click on the link to my my Website Trarevo Webagentur from the Google results, it works.
But on the same results, if you open the same link in a new tabs (right button on the mous or STRG and click), it appears an emptypage. You have to refresh the brower to see the content.

I disable the plugin and tried again => Problem was not there any more.

Please help.
Thanks in advance

Kind Regards

Arnaud Levy - Trarevo
small additional information:

the problem occurs - of course - when you click with the right button of the mouse on the Trarevo link from this post (you don´t need to test on Google SERP)

I have just noticed that the created sitemap with the same plugin is empty.

Thanks for your help.

Lefteris Kavadas

Just tested and it worked fine for me. However, I see several javascript errors in your page. Did you get those errors before enabling Route 66?


Arnaud Levy - Trarevo
Hi Lefeteris,

thanks for the answer.
I am currently testing some posssibilty to solve that. Maybe you have tried when I have disactivated the plugin.
Please try once again. I don´t touch anything now ;-)

I have noticed as well that I have lost my responsive menu in the smartphone view(top left).

Wich Javascript errors you mean?


Lefteris Kavadas
You can keep the plugin enabled for URLs and just disable the PageSpeed optimisations. You can do this at the component options.

If you do not manage to solve the issues you are facing, create a new private ticket and include administrator credentials and FTP access so I can take a look.


Arnaud Levy - Trarevo
Hello everybody,

short info before closing this ticket:
Some issues because of my template. Lefteris solve it and it works fine.

Thanks for the great support!


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