#28 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Monday, 16 January 2017 18:15 EET

Mohammad amin Hardani
I'm using Sh404SEF and also bought Route66 yesterday. Both are working great but not together! I mean:
I want to use SH404SEF but for Hikashop want to exclude it from SH404SEF and handle it's URLs with Route66 router. How this could be possible? And which settings should be changed?!

Note: I'm using latest versions of all components and plugins and also tried to disable routing for Hikashop in SH404SEF by component settings, but couldn't!

your sincerely,
Mohammad amin

Lefteris Kavadas

Route 66 allows you to disable it for a specific extension. Just find the corresponding plugin at the plugin manager and disable it, or just empty the pattern field.

If for example you want to disable Route 66 for K2 just find the plugin "Route 66 - K2" and empty the patterns there ( or disable the plugin completely ) .

However, i don't know how you can do something like this in SH404SEF. I suggest to ask the SH404SEF developers about this.

Having two SEF extensions installed and working on the same site is not recommended as this might cause issues.

Finally, if you like Route 66 it would be great if you had the time to rate it at the Joomla! extensions directory page at https://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/extension/site-management/sef/route-66-pro .

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