#33 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Thursday, 09 February 2017 11:27 EET

Robyn Lingen

I just purchased Route66 and installed the free version on a website I'm building. Basically, I just want to use articleAlias for my URLs. It's working, except at the end of each URL, I get the added string ?g5_not_found=1. It seems to be referring to my Gantry 5 template. There are no 404 errors, and if I just enter an article alias to my URL, the page is found and displayed.

The site is still in a subdirectory as we are currently finishing it up to go live this week.

Here's a YRL

If I enter the following, the page shows just fine but the string ?g5_not_found=1 shows up at the end.

This is a wonderful component. I build a lot of Joomla site mostly off of tags, so this component would rock for me. I hope we can get it working! Thanks in advance.

Lefteris Kavadas

Can you please provide some information regarding Joomla/Gantry/Template versions?

Just made a quick test with Helium/Gantry 5.4.6 ( the free template from http://gantry.org/ ) and i don't get the variable at the URL.

Robyn Lingen
Greetings, I figured it out.

With Gantry 5, there is an option to set the home menu item to a custom Gantry page, then from there select a particle to display on the home page in lieu of the traditional home page blog of featured items. When I switched this home page menu item back to featured articles, then set it show no articles, it works.

But now I have another problem. When using the regular search, if I search for a term with multiple words, I get a "Failed to open page" message because of too many redirects. When I search for just one word, the search works. I have the component set to search for any word, but it only works with a single word.

Search for "baseball," and you get a decent list of articles. The search for "baseball field" and you get the error.

Should I open a second ticket on this, or can we work off of this one?

Lefteris Kavadas
No, there is no need to create a new ticket.

I will work on a fix and will send you the update to your email.

Once you verify that it works fine, an update will be released.

Thank you for reporting this.

PS: If you like Route 66 it would be great if you rate it at the official Joomla! extensions directory page at https://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/extension/site-management/sef/route-66-pro/ .

Robyn Lingen
I just wanted to thank you for working on this. I will certainly rate the extension if we get it working.

I have to take this site live tomorrow, Thursday, February 8, central time. Do you think there is any chance of having this working by then. If not, I'll have to go with plan B, which will likely be SEF404.

I think this component will be brilliant as soon as this conflict is taken care of. Let me know your thoughts.

Robyn Lingen
Greetings, I have a clue. If I disable the Redirects function in the system plugin, the search works.

Use 301 redirects for URLs that are not canonical. It is recommended to enable this ... But the issue I encountered was a redirect loop that caused the site to hang. So turning this off seems to work.

I hope this is helpful.

Lefteris Kavadas
I have sent you the development version of Route 66 which should fix the redirect issue in search page.

Please let me know if that works for you.

Regarding your last message, you are totally right. Disabling the redirects in the system plugin options should stop the issue, in case it is not resolved yet.

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