#347 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Monday, 18 February 2019 13:08 EET

Colin Dowling
Hi, Re ticket: #340

Just noticed the menu was missing on the mobile version of abc123daynursery.co.uk

I added "Articles" to the "Exclusions" in the "Google Page Speed" tab and it's now working. Will this defeat the objective of using the Google Page Speed element of the component though?

Lefteris Kavadas

Disabling it for the whole component will affect all pages of com_content. I cannot tell what's the conflict without a link to your site.


Colin Dowling

I have deleted the exclusion. The menu is missing on the mobile version abc123daynursery.co.uk

Could you please take a look.


Colin Dowling

I need the mobile site working so I had to unpublish the plugin "System - Route 66 Google PageSpeed".

Would it be possible to give me a rough time when you could take a look so that I can publish the plugin to show the error?

Many thanks.

Lefteris Kavadas

This sounds like a compatibility issue and requires probably a bit of tweaking your site's CSS or Javascript. Unfortunately since you do not have an active a subscription I am not allowed to help you with this.


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